tonight i dyed a turtleneck from a creme color to gray. i know that's totally boring, but it had to be done, and it probably wouldn't've happened for another month or more (past turtleneck-wearing season), had it not been for
why not just buy a gray turtleneck, you ask? that's a good question! i did look for one, but i couldn't find one that i liked and that didn't tickle my neck... you see, i have this thing about turtlenecks and can't usually wear them---in fact, i haven't worn them since high school until this year... because they tickle my neck, and i used end up having to pull them down off my neck all day whenever i would wear them... but i found a kind that i like... it's thin and good for layering and the neck is loose enough (but not too loose!) so it doesn't tickle my neck. i bought a bunch of them in multiple colors, but they were out of gray. so i bought a creme-colored one thinking that i could dye it if i needed to... and i even continued to look for another gray turtleneck, but couldn't find one... this was like 3 months ago.... and i tend to procrastinate about stuff like this... so it didn't look like i would actually get a gray turtleneck anytime soon, but today, because i hadn't made a thing yet, i decided that would be my thing today, and i actually dragged myself to the store after work, bought some dye, and dyed/dried the whole thing when i got home. thank you,! my other clothes thank you too, for now they will have a gray turtleneck companion to keep them company!
also, here is a picture of a scorpion that i took the other day but forgot to upload: