yay! thing a day has started again, i'm excited! here is my post:
i live next to a farmer's market, so it's really easy for me to go, but somehow, i never make it there as often as i would like. this morning, i went to buy a tomato to eat with some avocado that i've had/need to finish. i started to take a photo a day last march and made it most of the way through the year to december and was planning to continue until march again this year, but then i stopped in january for some reason. i decided to pick up my photo a day again this month for thing a day so that i will have at least a photograph each day (hopefully other stuff too). to this end, i decided to photograph the tomato, as well as draw it with some colored pencils that i just bought.
i haven't drawn in a long time but thought i'd try again for this year's tad. i had difficulty getting the richness/saturation that i was looking for with the colored pencils, and it seemed like it was hard to blend as much as i wanted too. i have some other media that i'll experiment with throughout the month, as well as working digitally.
i also plan to do some sewing, knitting, crochet, and other crafty/creative projects. i did tad last year and found it to be very inspiring and fun, i'm looking forward to this year!
cross-posted on thing.a.day